David was wondering what he should wear for the party and I was pretty uninterested, which should have alerted every ‘spidey sense’ that he has! He held up a few t.shirts and I said a vague ‘yeah’ to most of them until he held up his Dr Who one. I managed not to crack up laughing and said “Yes. Actually that one will do nicely won’t it?” He sounded a bit dubious and asked if it wasn’t a bit casual so I replied “Oh I don’t know. Nobody really dresses up these days do they?”
Dan drove and, at the appropriate time, I sent a text to Nat to let him know that we were just around the corner. We also got David to put a blindfold on before we got close enough for him to see aaaaaaaaanything he shouldn’t. In hindsight I suppose that must have seemed rather odd to David as I doubt he was expecting anything to be visible from the frontage of their home. He had been a little fed up by the time Dan and I had returned home earlier, having expected us back a lot sooner. He was about to find out why we’d been so long!
But firstly, it was just as exciting for me to arrive to see the TARDIS adorning Nat and Amie’s gate for the first time, complete, *of course!* with the flashing blue light on the top. The whole thing couldn’t have been more perfect if done by a professional stage manager and crew. Well done again Nat and Amie!!!

David’s First Sight of The Truth
And I’d like to introduce Amy Pond and River Song, ‘Official Photographer’ and ‘Wardrobe Mistress’…

Amy Pond Georgia, River Song Emma & Andrew,
Matt Smith was yet to put his costume on because he’d come with us in the car. But let’s get back to poor David. Dan guided him out of the car and half way up the driveway, still blindfolded. Then Dan and I readied our cameras and called out “OK, you can look now!”


Joy in The Big ‘Reveal’
That photo needs no words does it? We ‘introduced him to the children’ and let him inspect, with awe, the transformed humble gate before taking him through. I had his outfit and mine just through the gate ready to dress him in a manner he’d never dreamed of during the prior 3 months!
First the coat, TARDIS necklace, wig and hat. And at this moment his emotions began to spill out, which I will treasure forever.

Happy Shock Sets In
Then the scarf, sonic screwdriver and brown paper bag of jelly babies.

Tom Baker Outfit Installed
I got David to help me with the ties for my Police Box bib and I popped my headband and earrings on.

Tom Baker & Wife
And then he began his tour and inspection of the props…

Tour of the Props
I’m so grateful that Amie suggested we arrive well before the guests so that David had time to take it all in and look around in peace before he needed to pay attention to his friends.

K9 in Place
Even in daylight you can see K9s eyes lit up by the little torch behind the red cellophane.
Then Amie asked if she should bring out the cake so that David could see that in peace too. And of course he loved it!

David, Amie & The Cake
Here’s Andrew, now dressed as Matt Smith and ‘Wardrobe Master’.

Andrew ‘Matt Smith’
And David standing amongst the night sky. Anyone over 6’ tall had their heads brushed by the sky all evening, but they all took it well 😉

Night Sky, Tom Baker & Cassandra
We placed David at the photo booth to be the first to have his photo taken along with his first gifts, a ‘real’ sonic screwdriver from Nat and Amie, as if they hadn’t done enough already, and a Dr Who Monopoly game from Dan.

David with Gifts
One of the first guests to arrive were our long-time friends Fiona and George. Fiona had made the most amazing TARDIS outfit and we all laughed as arriving guests used her as a table to fill in their ‘break the ice games sheets’. The sheets worked like an absolute charm as guests all had to speak to one another and ask questions to see who could sign each of the 20 or so question boxes on their page, I was so pleased with that.

Fiona’s Handy ‘Table’

Fiona & George
Here’s the other most exotic costume for the night, and David actually chose her for the ‘Best Dressed Prize’ later in the evening. Introducing Frankie the Dalek…

Tom Baker & The Friendly Frankie Dalek
Frankie made the dress herself, it really was stunning!
I am probably including ‘too many’ photo booth pictures, but I did want to share these for the sake of those who attended the party so please do bear with me. And there is more to come in the story below them 😉

Shirley AKA Goy

John, Wendy, Hayley & Troy

Steffany & Tom Baker

Sean & Susie

Madeleine, David & Frankie

Michelle & Dom


Enid & Albert

John & Anne

Jane & David
Loved the effect of this one below. Because the lighting was poor the camera had a slow shutter speed so anyone who moved quickly was a bit blurred. Or a lot blurred in this case LOL

Nat on Planet Blur
One photo of 3 of the lovely ladies in attendance.

Steffany, Michelle & Dom
Then it was time for David to make a speech and cut the cake. He’s never been shy LOL

David’s Turn to Speak

An Expansive Thanks
Guests were asked not to bring gifts but there’s one rebel in every crowd and David was presented with one of the biggest surprises of his life. Jane had brought along a large tub decorated beautifully with cut out 60s of various sizes and colours all over it. When David came to open it up he found inside 60 gifts, all individually wrapped and numbered, with instructions to open them all in order. A virtual tour of his life so far, beginning with gift number 1; a baby’s dummy and progressing slowly through colouring books, marbles, toy aeroplanes and farm sets to screwdrivers, personal care items, fly swats, gardening equipment, a bottle of wine and ultimately to a long-handled shoe-horn and imitation false teeth! It was the most amazing thing we’ve ever seen!

60 Gifts Begin

Two Cuties

60 Gifts Opened
Couldn’t resist this photo of the Earth that Dan took. He took quite a few of the ones you’ve already seen too. Thanks Dan!!!

Our Beautiful Earth
And to finish, here’s Nat and Amie the next day with the TARDIS door just before they brought it to our home to live.

Nat & Amie with their TARDIS Door
Sunday 16th Nov we had to disassemble everything. I would be lying if I didn’t admit to this being a bit of a wrench. I so wanted to leave everything the way it was for a while and at least have the chance to see the items with lighting at night once more, with time to really look at them and appreciate them. But it was not to be. Nat and Amie needed their garage back. Half of their patio is actually their garage, it’s just that you can open it all out into one large space. It addition to that, David and I were going away on holiday the next day so it had to be cleared before we went.
Disassembly was surprisingly easy and we took a break mid-way to eat left-overs for lunch. It was all done by 3pm. But we brought everything home and David used some of the equipment to set up a corner in the lounge as a Dr Who Party memory. We crunched up the lounge suite and coffee table in the other half of the room and chose our favourite parts of the Console to represent what the whole had looked like. You can see a few of the streamers behind the TARDIS front as well as on the walls near the Console. The outfit, masks, a couple of the planets, as well as the Tear, K9 and Cassandra are all in attendance. It’s a pretty good representation actually.

Final Home for This TARDIS

Props Back at Home

Settled Back at Home
And to end the story with the last thing to happen. Here’s another gift that Amie made for David that gave us all a very good laugh! It contains 60 lollipops on sticks.

’60 Sucks’
Now I have to write the story of our holiday the following week but my sitting equipment is already feeling flattened and fattened so bear with me and I’ll start it as soon as I can 😉 If you’re desperate for entertainment hopefully one of the other holiday stories will keep you entertained in the meantime.
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LOL Thank you dear Mally, I try 😉 He really did get a surprise and enjoyed the party enough to make it all worthwhile *hugs*
You are a genius my dear friend, bloody brilliant party, David is a lucky man ??
Aaaawww thank you so much for your beautiful comments, and for reading the story Jean *mwah*!!!
Wow! That was mega-amazing. David is a lucky man to have such a devoted wife and family who will do all this. Academy Awards all round!! I’m very touched by this story. Thank you for sharing it May.
Thank you so much for taking the time to comment dear Domi and I’m so happy that you enjoyed reading all about it *hugs*
Looks like an awesome party!! So much work went into every little detail…looked amazing!
Thank you so much for taking the time to read the story dear Selina, it means a lot to me *hugs*
A huge and wonderful work mainly made with much love. It was a real pleasure to read this beautiful story of a special celebration and I wish you and your family all the best, my sweet May!
Thank you so much for reading and taking the time to comment Helen, and for including everyone that contributed too *big hugs* from us all.
As you know May, I hate Dr Who, but I love reading your stories, and have to say this is the best yet.
The ‘props’ and decorations are truly superb.
Well done all of you, for all of your hard work.
Totally Amazing